Current: Ph.D. student: Emmett Interdisciplinary Program of Environment & Resources, Stanford University. Advisors: Dr. Greg Asner and Dr. Kabir Peay. Other Committee Members:
2013 MSc. Ecology, University of Groningen. Advisor: Dr. Han Olff.
2013 MSc. Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University and Universite Montpellier II. Advisor: Dr. Charles Davis
2010 B.A. Biology; Specialization in Molecular Biology, New York University.
Publications and Presentations
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles​
Clarkson JJ, Pennington TD, Chase MW, Haynes G, Engstrand RC, Kaye M, Michalak I, Muellner-Riehl A. Phylogenetic relationships in Trichilia (MELIACEAE) based on ribosomal ITS sequences. Phytotaxa 259(1): 6-17. 2016​
Thomann M, Imbert E, Engstrand RC, Cheptou P-O. "Contemporary evolution of plant reproductive strategies under global change is revealed by stored seeds." Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28(4): 766-778. 2015​
Pineda Catalan O, Perkins S, Pierce M, Engstrand RC, Garcia-Davila C, Pinedo-Vasquez M, Aguirre A. Revision of Hemoproteid Genera and Description and Redescription of Two Species of Chelonian Hemoproteid Parasites. Journal of Parasitology 99(6): 1089-1098. 2013
Engstand RC, Cibrian-Tovar J, Cibrián-Jaramillo A, Kolokotronis SO. Genetic variation of avocado stem weevils Copturus aguacatae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Mexico. Mitochondrial DNA 21(S1): 38-43. 2010
Book Chapters
Clarkson JJ, Pennington TD, Haynes G, Engstrand RC, Kaye M & Chase MW. A phylogenetic analysis of Guarea In: A revision of Guarea (Meliaceae). T. D. Pennington & J. J. Clarkson. Cambridge University Press, pp. 180-189. 2013
Manuscripts in Review
Pineda Catalan O, Engstrand RC, Garcia-Davila C, Aquirre A, Pinedo-Vasquez M, Amato G, Perkins S. Reclassifying malaria parasites in turtles: two new species and their phylogenetic relationship with other Haemosporidia. Journal of Parasitology
Manuscripts in Preparation
Engstrand RC, Cappellari SC, Willis CG, Primack RB, Miller-Rushing AJ, Davis CC. Plant-pollinator interactions and the effect of climate change: a community phylogenetic perspective.
"The biodiversity within: the genetic diversity of Amazonian river turtles and their parasites." NYU Undergraduate Research Colloquium, 2010.
Teaching and Mentoring Experience
Introduction to R, Fordham University. Designed and taught a one day workshop on R basics and graphing. 2015
DNA Barcoding, American Museum of Natural History. Designed and taught a one day workshop. 2011
From Freshwater to Oceans to Land Systems: An Earth System Perspective to Global Challenges, TA, Stanford University, 2017
Evolution of Life In Ecuador, Bing Overseas Study Program, Stanford University, 2017
Mentoring of students​
Mentor and supervisor of undergraduate researcher Ali Hoffer, Stanford University. 2017-current.
Taught basic laboratory methods and DNA sequencing to HS, BSc and MSc students at the American Museum of Natural History and Fordham University. 2009-2011; 2014-2015.
Other teaching experience
Grocery Store Botany, Designed and taught a two-hour plant systematics class using grocery store produce for Bay Area high school students. Stanford SPLASH Program, 2017
Grants and Honors Awarded
Fellowships and Scholarships
Haas Center Graduate Public Service Fellowship, 2017
William C. and Jeanne M. Landreth IPER Fellowship, 2015-present
Erasmus Mundus Scholar, 2011-2013
Milosevic & Kovacevich half-tuition merit scholarship, New York University, 2006-2010
National Geographic Early Career Research Grant, 2017
Mentoring Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Research (MUIR) Fund, Stanford Woods Institute, 2017
E-IPER Research Grant, Stanford University, 2016, 2017, 2018
McGee Levorsen Research Grant, Stanford University, 2016, 2017
Groninger Universiteitsfond, University of Groningen, 2013
Collegiate Research Scholar, New York University, 2010
Rudin Research Grant, New York University, 2009
Society and Travel Grants
Field Research Travel Grant, Stanford Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University, 2016
Marco Polo Travel Grant, University of Groningen, 2013
Other Honors
National Geographic Explorer, 2017
American Museum of Natural History, Intern of The Year Award, 2010
New York University, Undergraduate Intern Award, 2009
Miscellaneous Skills, Hobbies, and Interests
English (native), Spanish (fluent)
R (advanced), MATLAB (intermediate), python (intermediate)
Emergency First Aid & CPR Certified
PADI Open Water SCUBA Certified
New York State Boat Operator License
Heavy machinery operation
Hiking, road biking, horseback riding, gardening, photography, cooking, baking, sculpting (glass, paper, wire), motorcycling.